
Friday, May 3, 2013

Annoying Knots

Don't you hate when you are sitting there relaxing crocheting along and all of the sudden you come along a huge knot in your skein of yarn? UGH!! Well this is the kind of day I am having today. It's a good thing I was close to the end of this granny square when I found it. I managed to pull enough yarn from the knot to finish the square before having to cut it. I will have to work on untangling it later.

Welcome May! :)

Here's to an awesome month!!

Looking forward to a few changes this month... keep checking back for what's new! :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Here are my 4 handsome little boys! From left to right: Rylan(5), Landon(6m), Logan(6m), and Elijah(3 1/2).  They give my life so much meaning and joy! :) 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Work In Progress

I'm swimming in granny squares! My current WIP is a shaped character granny square blanket. Can you guess who it is? :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Monday!

Hope you have a wonderful week! Happy Monday and Happy Crocheting!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Crochet Bunny Lovey Blankies for the Twins

Here are a couple of crocheted bunny loveys or blankies. I made these for the twins for Easter. I used Redheart Super Saver for mine. They are so cute and easy to make. I followed the tutorial by Yolandasotolopez on YouTube to make these. Her tutorial is so easy to follow and she explains every step very well. Took me a while to make them only because I had to find time during my busy schedule each day to crochet. Find the tutorial here: . 

Getting back into my groove... and what you've missed

Hello again my fellow crochet fans. I can not believe how much time I have let pass by since my last post. So much has happened since that time. My last post was in October 2012. For those of you who are not on my FB page that is the last you heard of me. It has been much easier to post quick updates on FB than to post them here.

So here's an update...

On October 26, 2012 my twin boys were born 5 weeks premature. I was in the hospital for 3 full days prior to delivery because of frequent painful contractions and the fact that I was dilating. It was a rough couple of days. All of the sudden my labor progressed very quickly out of nowhere. I was at 7cm dilated and asked for an epidural. By the time the epidural was placed I was 10cm fully dilated. It only took minutes. I was supposed to have delivered in the OR because it was twins but because I had suddenly progressed so quickly the Dr. had no choice but to deliver in the labor room. I was so scared at this point. There were so many people crammed into such a small room. It all the sudden hit me just how dangerous giving birth could be especially premature. Twin A, Landon, was delivered pretty quickly and my tiny baby was placed on my chest. For a few seconds I held his tiny fingers in my hands before they whisked him away. The Dr. checked the position of Twin B, and then before I knew it the Drs. and nurses were running me down the halls to the OR. I knew something was wrong. I have never been more scared in my life than when I thought that I was about to lose a child. No one told me anything. I was on the operating table before I could blink , they threw a blue sheet over my face and I heard the Dr. say he was going to begin cutting me. Twin B, Logan, was delivered by emergency C section just 12 minutes after the delivery of his brother. I never heard him cry. I remember asking them over and over if he was ok. Finally I was assured he was fine. They brought this tiny bundle up to my face and I was barely able to see him and then they took him away. Both of the twins were put in the NICU because of thier weight. Twin A weighed 5lbs 7oz and Twin B weighed 4lbs 5oz. They were so tiny. I was very lucky that they didn't really have any other health problems. Twin B had not yet developed the ability to suck so it was harder to get him to eat at first. Twin A came home with me and a few days later we were able to take his brother home. The boys are now 5 1/2months old and are getting so big already.

Between October and now I haven't really had a whole lot of time to commit towards crochet. Taking care of twins and 2 toddlers takes up the most of my day. It's so much fun though! :) Lately I have been getting back into the groove and working on a couple of smaller projects that I will share with you and I have a couple more WIPs I will share soon. 

I want to thank all of my supporters and fans for sticking by me through everything. It means so much. Well, someone is getting fussy so I have to get going. ;). I will be back again soon... until then, Happy Crocheting!