
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Elijah said "Da Da"

Elijah James has said his first word! I was recording him and he said "Da Da"...and he's only 6 months old!! Ahh! I believe Rylan was 10 months when he said his first word which was "Hey!" lol. "Da Da" was the second thing Rylan learned. I just can't believe it though, and I just happened to be recording him. After he said it I tried getting him to say "Ma Ma" lol but he didn't. He loves to squeal too! The video is from last night I hope I can add it to this post.

I just now recorded Eli again trying to get him to say "Da Da". He likes to whisper it, and then thinks it's funny if I repeat him. I can only post one video to this post so I will try to post the one from today in another post.

I also taught Rylan to say Juice today, and now he's calling everything Juice. Ugh! lol. Oh well, hopefully I can get him to match the words to the actual thing soon. His favorite thing to say is "more". He also calls everyone "Ma Ma". When he first learned to say "Da Da" , that's what he called everyone. He's so funny and cute! I love when they are learning to talk.

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